Articles de nos partenaires

(Eyes on Europe) Houses of Cards: reflection on parliamentary involvement at European level 10 years after the Lisbon Treaty

Depuis 2004, Eyes on Europe organise diverses activités sociales, rédactionnelles, événementiels et promotionnelles. Notre association se veut être l’une des meilleures dans le domaine de la réalisation de projets et…

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(Eyes on Europe) Can we preserve the earth and capitalism ?

“Economic growth” is one of the most touted objectives of governments and companies around the world and seems to be a prerequisite of capitalism. Yet, we know that resources on our planet are limited, and the current economic system seems to lead humanity into a dead-end. Is capitalism in itself a contradiction to a sustainable economic system?

Continuer la lecture(Eyes on Europe) Can we preserve the earth and capitalism ?

(Eyes on Europe) No-deal Brexit: is the EU prepared well enough?

Depuis 2004, Eyes on Europe organise diverses activités sociales, rédactionnelles, événementiels et promotionnelles. Notre association se veut être l’une des meilleures dans le domaine de la réalisation de projets et…

Continuer la lecture(Eyes on Europe) No-deal Brexit: is the EU prepared well enough?

(Eyes on Europe) Financement de la transition écologique: un plan Marshall pour le climat

En cette période pré-électorale, la majorité de l’opinion publique s’accorde sur la nécessité d’en faire plus en matière climatique. Mais lorsque vient le moment d’agir, certains responsables politiques se retranchent derrière l’argument du coût de la transition écologique. Pourtant, de nombreuses solutions existent pour la financer. Parmi d’autres, le Pacte européen Finance-Climat, un plan Marshall pour le climat qui entend mobiliser la création monétaire.

Continuer la lecture(Eyes on Europe) Financement de la transition écologique: un plan Marshall pour le climat

(Eyes on Europe) The political entrepreneurship of the Juncker Commission on the Energy and Environment Policy

Energy policy has been at the heart of the creation of a European community through the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). However, member states’ reluctance has long limited the competence of the European Union in this domain. The Juncker Commission has brought together climate and energy policies and gave special importance to this issue, returning it to the forefront of the European scene.

Continuer la lecture(Eyes on Europe) The political entrepreneurship of the Juncker Commission on the Energy and Environment Policy

(Eyes on Europe) Environment-Economy Nexus: What Rules Rulers?

Article already published by our partner Eyes on Europe Most political players recognise the need to act in environmental and climate matters. How? This is where some cleavages and divisions…

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Making culture in the EU, an interview with Diego Marani

Article published by our partner EYES ON EUROPE Diego Marani is an Italian novelist, translator, and newspaper columnist. In 1996 he invented Europanto, a mock international auxiliary language published in several Belgian…

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(Eyes on Europe) Matteo Salvini: The making of a modern despot?

The wind of discontent that has been blowing from the United States since the election of Donald Trump has hit Europe, and Italy is no exception. Salvini is now holding…

Continuer la lecture(Eyes on Europe) Matteo Salvini: The making of a modern despot?

(Eyes On Europe)Nord Stream 2, un défi pour la politique énergétique européenne

La politique énergétique européenne est encore aujourd’hui discrète et ne fait que rarement la une des grands médias européens et internationaux. Toutefois, les discussions qui ont lieu ce mois-ci autour…

Continuer la lecture(Eyes On Europe)Nord Stream 2, un défi pour la politique énergétique européenne