L’exclusion numérique : Comprendre et Apprendre pour Mieux Lutter

En 2018, près de quatre personnes sur cinq (79 %) âgées entre 16 et 74 ans utilisent l’Internet au moins une fois par semaine. Au sein de l’Union européenne (UE),…

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Are We Prepared for The Next Cyberwarfare?

Who would have predicted that one day we would regret the competition between the nuclear powers? Cyberwarfare could be as dangerous as nuclear risk. Why ? Because we had learned…

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Cambridge Analytica : Donne-moi tes données, je te dirai quoi voter

Internet est devenu un lieu où les moindres faits et gestes, les moindres habitudes sont enregistrées et analysées. Alors que l’affaire Cambridge Analytica secoue l’opinion publique, les tenants et les…

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Cambridge Analytica: Give me your data, I will tell you what to vote

Internet is now a place where the all acts, all habits are monitored. As Cambridge Analytica case is shaking public opinion, some are calling to delete Facebook accounts with the #DeleteFacebook. Yet, deleting your Facebook account will not put an end to your profiling on the internet. Therefore, a solution must come from the European legislator. The General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) will come into force on May 25th, 2018 and will provide a first solution. However, the text arrives too late and the harm is already done. Other than data theft and misuse, more than a decade of commercial practices must be questioned and, in some cases, could be prohibited.

Continuer la lectureCambridge Analytica: Give me your data, I will tell you what to vote