« Justice, liberté et sécurité, jeunesse »: points à l’ordre du jour des prochaines réunions de la Commission


  • 1880ème réunion du 24 juin 2009 (Bruxelles)

Communication from the COM to the Council and the EP on Strengthening Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Security in the European Union – an EU CRBN Action Plan. The main purpose of the Communication is to present the general context in which the CBRN Package is proposed, the goals of the package and its implementation. In addition, the Communication presents the main elements of the CBRN Action Plan, which will be annexed to the Communication.

Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EC) No … of … establishing a Management Authority for large-scale IT systems in the JLS area

The aim of this legal proposal is to establish the Management Authority for the Schengen Information System II and Visa Information System (and possible other systems) as well as to describe its structure and tasks.

  • 1881ème du 2 juillet 2009 (Bruxelles)

Communication from the Commission to the EP and the Council on guidance as to how issues identified as problematic in transposition or application of Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States may be resolved

The Commission intends to offer information and assistance to both Member States and EU citizens by issuing guidelines on a number of issues identified as problematic in transposition or application, such as expulsions and fight against abuse, in order to offer guidance as to how those may be resolved.

  • 1881ème réunion du 8 juillet 2009 (Bruxelles)

Green Paper on new approaches to promoting cross-border mobility of young people.

The Green Paper is the starting point for an initiative seeking to develop mobility beyond the Erasmus programme. It invites stakeholders to get involved in a debate on possible new ways to encourage and support cross-border mobility of young people. The scope of the initiative includes the university sector but goes beyond existing schemes by involving young people more generally, for example in vocational training, adult learning and voluntary activity and among young entrepreneurs and the culture sector. The objective is to establish a view on how best to deliver future EU support for mobility, how to coordinate with national and regional programmes, and how to address barriers to mobility.

Proposal for a Framework Decision on Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings

To set common minimum standards to ensure fair trials within the EU in order to promote mutual trust and thus to facilitate mutual recognition.

Proposal for a legislative framework concerning access for consultation by law enforcement authorities as well as Europol to data recorded in EURODAC and additional biographical data for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences.

Decision (third pillar) to set out the details of access for consultation by Member States authorities and Europol to  EURODAC. This will be enabled by the introduction of a bridging clause in the Eurodac Regulation.

Decision concerning access for consultation of the EURODAC system by designated authorities of Member States and by Europol for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of certain criminal offences.

Decision (third pillar) in view of enabling the access under certain conditions by police and other law enforcement authorities to the Eurodac System for the prevention, detection and investigation of certain criminal offences. This Decision will be presented in parallel to first pillar legislation, esp. amending the Eurodac Regulation to include a bridging clause. This Decision is linked to the Council conclusions of 12-13 June 2007.

  • 1883ème réunion du 22 juillet 2009 (Bruxelles)

Proposal for a directive on the conditions of entry and residence of seasonal workers

The proposal aims at establishing common entry and residence conditions for seasonal workers from third-countries. It’s part of a comprehensive package of measures, proposed in the Policy Plan on Legal Migration of 2005 and further developed in the Communication on circular migration and migration partnerships of 2007. A more specific objective is to to ensure a secure legal status and a reinforced protection against exploitation to a particularly weak category of third-country workers, such as seasonal workers. Another objective concerns the development of the circular migration policy.

Proposal for a directive on the procedures regulating the entry into, the temporary stay and residence of Intra-Corporate Transferees (ICT).

This scheme will set out common procedures to regulate the entry into, temporary stay and residence in the EU of ICT, in those fields which are not covered by the GATS negotiations. These procedures will therefore be without prejudice to international commitments entered into by the EC or by the EC and its Member States.  Document will be adopted together with doc 2008/JLS/148- Directive on the entry, the temporary stay and residence of Intra-Corporate Transferees.

Adeline Silva Pereira

Après avoir effectué la deuxième année du master Sécurité Globale analyste politique trilingue à l'Université de Bordeaux, j'effectue un stage au sein d'EU Logos afin de pouvoir mettre en pratique mes compétences d'analyste concernant l'actualité européenne sur la défense, la sécurité et plus largement la coopération judiciaire et policière.

Cet article a 4 commentaires

  1. Ciara

    Bravo mais il manque la possibilité de recevoir des flux RSS et/ou de s’abonner par email aux nouveautés

  2. Jac

    Le titre de ce blog n’est vraiment pas explicite. Il faut trouver une autre adresse URL.

  3. HPL

    Oui, vous avez raison

  4. HPL

    Là encore vous avez raison.

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