Does the European climate law sign the starting point of a battle for carbon neutrality?

This article was initially published on our partner website : Eyes on Europe The European Green Deal and its first shortcomings have already been largely covered by Eyes on Europe…

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(Eyes on Europe) The political entrepreneurship of the Juncker Commission on the Energy and Environment Policy

Energy policy has been at the heart of the creation of a European community through the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). However, member states’ reluctance has long limited the competence of the European Union in this domain. The Juncker Commission has brought together climate and energy policies and gave special importance to this issue, returning it to the forefront of the European scene.

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#FactOfTheDay 19/12/2018 – EU ready to further fight plastic items

Eight months after the European Commission'sinitial proposal, the EU agreed on banning around ten product categories, which alone account for 70% of waste washed up in the oceans and on…

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#LaRéplique – Le néolibéralisme vert : Nicolas Hulot sonne le glas d’une ambivalence

La démission de Nicolas Hulot au poste de ministre de la transition écologique et solidaire, annoncée le 28 août dernier sur France Inter, n’aura pas été une démission comme les…

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