#FactOfTheDay 28/01/2019 – Foulards Rouges movement protests against the Gilets Jaunes

On Sunday 28 January 2019, the new Foulards Rouges social movement organised a march in Paris to protest against the rise of violence and abuse from the Gilets Jaunes. According…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 28/01/2019 – Foulards Rouges movement protests against the Gilets Jaunes

#FactOfTheDay 25/01/19 – Brexit: Queen Elizabeth II calls on British people to « find common ground »

The Queen urged people to respect "different points of view" and called for Britons to find a “common ground” amid Brexit divisions. Her remarks came in a speech reported by…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 25/01/19 – Brexit: Queen Elizabeth II calls on British people to « find common ground »

#FactOfTheDay 24/01/2019 – Venezuela: Juan Guaidó declares himself President of the country with the support of the United States

The Speaker of the National Assembly and leading opposition figure Juan Guaidó introduced himself on Thursday, January 23, 2019 as the new President of Venezuela. Guaidó is acting as interim…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 24/01/2019 – Venezuela: Juan Guaidó declares himself President of the country with the support of the United States

#FactOfTheDay 23/01/19 – Macron and Merkel sign a French-German treaty in Aachen.

On Tuesday 22nd January, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel gathered in Aachen, Germany, to sign a new treaty as a demonstration of the cooperation between the…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 23/01/19 – Macron and Merkel sign a French-German treaty in Aachen.

#FactOfTheDay 21/01/2019 – Opening of the 49th World Economic Forum in Davos

Today marks the opening of the 49th World Economic Forum in Davos. It opens with a climate of crisis and distrust announced by a large number of international actors. In…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 21/01/2019 – Opening of the 49th World Economic Forum in Davos

#FactOftheDay 21/01/2019 – Democrats reject US president’s proposal to end shutdown

On Saturday 19th of January, US President Donald Trump suggested an immigration deal to end the government shutdown. This shutdown has led to the closure of several federal administrations for…

Continuer la lecture#FactOftheDay 21/01/2019 – Democrats reject US president’s proposal to end shutdown

#FactOfTheDay 18/01/2019 – Terrorism: Dutch journalist deported from Turkey

Turkey deported a Dutch journalist, Ans Boersma, because she was accused from prosecutors in the Netherlands of being involved in a terrorism investigation. A Dutch prosecutor’s office spokeswoman said the…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 18/01/2019 – Terrorism: Dutch journalist deported from Turkey

#FactOfTheDay 17/01/2019 – Putin meets Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic

On Thursday 17 January, Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Serbia along with government ministers and the heads of Russia's space and nuclear organisations. In a context of civil protests…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 17/01/2019 – Putin meets Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic

#FactOfTheDay 16/01/19 – UK MPs overwhelmingly rejected Brexit agreement: Theresa May is now facing confidence vote

British MPs massively disavowed Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday (January 15th), as they overwhelmingly rejected her Brexit Deal. This vote plunges the United Kingdom in uncertainty less than…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 16/01/19 – UK MPs overwhelmingly rejected Brexit agreement: Theresa May is now facing confidence vote

#FactOfTheDay 15/01/2019- Rallies in Poland after the assassination of Gdansk Mayor Pawel Adamowicz

On Monday evening, January 15, several thousand people gathered in various Polish cities to pay tribute to Pawel Adamowicz, stabbed to death on Sunday in the middle of a public…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 15/01/2019- Rallies in Poland after the assassination of Gdansk Mayor Pawel Adamowicz