La Transnistrie : une possible contagion du conflit ukrainien ?

Un peu d’histoire La Transnistrie (ou Transdniestrie, au-delà du Dniestr) est un État autoproclamé de Moldavie, petit pays situé entre la Roumanie et l’Ukraine. Cette région sécessionniste représente 10% du…

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Report of the activity of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU regarding European Neighbourhood Policy – Weeks of April 4 and 11

In the context of Russian’s aggression against Ukraine, the Joint Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and Committee on Development (Parliament) debated on the implementation of a temporary…

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Guerre en Ukraine : quelles responsabilités pour l’UE ?

L’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie le 24 février 2022 a mis l’Union européenne face à un dilemme : laisser faire la Russie et abandonner l’Ukraine à son sort, ou…

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Compte-rendu de l’activité du Parlement européen sur la Politique européenne de voisinage – Semaine du 21/03/22

Journées de solidarité avec l'Ukraine (lundi-mercredi-jeudi) Avec l'objectif d'exprimer le soutien du Parlement à la Verkhovna Rada d'Ukraine (VRU) dans sa lutte pour la liberté, la paix et la démocratie,…

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War in Ukraine: What EU and the West can expect from the future threats?

As was expected by the USA, in the end, Putin has decided to start a large-scale military operation against Ukraine, bringing a new war in the European continent. The reasons…

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The EU’s New Approach on the Blue Economy: Sailing towards a more sustainable future or to extinction?

‘How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean’- Arthur C. Clarke Being the largest ecosystem on earth, the ocean is undeniably the lung of the…

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Libya: a good opportunity for implementing European strategic autonomy

The case of Libya has been a failure for the EU. National interests overshadowed a common and comprehensive approach for the failed state, therefore the EU was not able to…

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The European Climate Law: A new binding step towards climate justice

On 5 May 2021, the Council and the European Parliament after fourteen intense hours of discussions landed a provisional political agreement on what seems to be the final draft for…

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“NDICI-Global Europe”, or how the EU is going to finance its external action in the Neighbourhood, development and international cooperation.

“Today's agreement sends a strong signal to our partners on the role of Europe as a leading global player in the international scene and its commitment to continue being a…

Continuer la lecture“NDICI-Global Europe”, or how the EU is going to finance its external action in the Neighbourhood, development and international cooperation.