The international attention in favor of people with Albinism in Africa

Among the numerous problems that today afflict the African continent, it is possible to note that Albinism is particularly relevant. It heavily affects the lives of many people, particularly in Sub-Saharan African countries.

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The relationship between NATO and EU – The interview with Madam Teri Schultz, freelance reporter.

Ms. Teri Schultz thank you for your time and for agreeing to talk with us about the relationship between NATO and European Union. It is a big pleasure for us…

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FRANCE, NATO AND THE EUROPEAN DEFENCE FUND Questions / Interview with Professors Matteo Bressan and Alessandro Politi

1. On 7th November, during an interview with The Economist, French President Emmanuel Macron said that “What we are currently experiencing is the brain death of NATO” referring to the…

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(Eyes on Europe) Houses of Cards: reflection on parliamentary involvement at European level 10 years after the Lisbon Treaty

Depuis 2004, Eyes on Europe organise diverses activités sociales, rédactionnelles, événementiels et promotionnelles. Notre association se veut être l’une des meilleures dans le domaine de la réalisation de projets et…

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The revival of Iran’s nuclear activities. Perspectives and risks for the European Union

On 8 May 2018, US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear agreement (Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action, JCPOA), reached by the P5+1 countries (USA, Russia, China,…

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Western Balkans’ accession by 2025: merely a fantasy?

With the debates over the possibility of future EU membership of the Western Balkans countries, some voices started to rise in the European Commission. This issue does not only bring back questions about the European Union’s values and identity, but it also allows to examine the usage of European ‘Soft Power’ over its own members and potential accession candidates. This case underlines the contradiction between the EU’s objective of maintaining stability in the Balkans’ region and the European willingness to fight against ‘populism’ and nationalism inside its own borders.

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La cybersécurité : le nouveau cheval de bataille de l’Union européenne

Chaque année, de nouvelles cyberattaques touchent les institutions comme les entreprises et le nombre de ces menaces ne cesse d'augmenter. La cyberattaque WannaCry de mai 2017 qui avait paralysé plus de 200 000 systèmes informatiques au sein de l'UE (dont des hôpitaux et usines), touchée plus de 150 pays dans le monde et couté des milliards de dollars, avait montré la nécessité de mettre en place de nouvelles mesures pour renforcer la cybersécurité de l'Union européenne. Actuellement, la cybersécurité est devenue un volet important du développement numérique de l'UE et une des priorités de la Commission européenne.

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#EUelections – New generation agreements : what challenges ?

“I think that’s a particularly bad agreement and let me say why… it’s not about trade : trade barriers  and  tariffs  between  Europe  and  America  are  already  come  down.  It’s …

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