#FactOfTheDay 8/01/2019 – German far-right politician attacked

Frank Magnitz, the leader of Alternative for Germany (AfD) was attacked on Monday in the northern city of Bremen. He has been knocked inconscious and severely beaten by three masked…

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#FactOfTheDay 09/10/2018 – Elections in Brazil: The Far Right Largely Ahead

Jair Bolsonaro, the right-wing candidate, topped the first round of Brazilian general elections. With a score of 46.06%, Bolsonaro is ahead of the candidate of the Worker’s Party of Lula,…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 09/10/2018 – Elections in Brazil: The Far Right Largely Ahead

#FactOfTheDay 11/09/2018 – The Swedish general election: Not yet a victory for the far-right

After the results of the legislative election announced on September 9th, the Swedish far right represented by Sweden Democrats (SD) scored well below expectations. The SD, characterized by its openly…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 11/09/2018 – The Swedish general election: Not yet a victory for the far-right