La Politique Européenne de Voisinage face à la crise en Ukraine

Bien que ce conflit ne soit plus au centre de l’actualité, la guerre dans l'est de l'Ukraine reste une réalité. Depuis 2014, plus de 13 000 personnes ont été tuées dans le cadre du conflit qui oppose les séparatistes pro-russes et les forces du gouvernement ukrainien après le soulèvement populaire du mouvement Euromaïdan. La crise qui en résulte entre l’Union Européenne (UE) et la Russie au sujet de leur voisinage commun invite donc à s’interroger sur la Politique Européenne de Voisinage en Ukraine.

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#FactOfTheDay 28/11/18 – Trump may cancel G20 meeting with Putin

The US President Donald Trump, gave an interview to The Washington Post, where he threatened to cancel his meeting, scheduled this weekend with Putin at the G20 summit in Argentina.…

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#FactOfTheDay 26/10/18 – Ukrainian opponent Oleg Sentsov receives the Sakharov Prize

On October 25, the European Parliament awarded the Sakharov Prize, which rewards individuals or organisations that have made a strong commitment to the fight for human rights, to filmmaker Oleg…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article NATO-Russia Council: on 20 April the new D-day for the international equilibrium

NATO-Russia Council: on 20 April the new D-day for the international equilibrium

The next meeting of NATO-Russia Council at Ambassadorial level will take place on Wednesday, 20 April, as announced officially by NATO communication officer. On 12 April it has been decided the date of D-day for the world equilibrium. Since 2014, the international scenario has been marked by two major events: the proclamation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Russia’s policy in Ukraine and its support for the Bashar al-Assad government has worsened the relations with the Atlantic Alliance, which promptly adopted a policy based on «action-reaction» principle. Moreover, the degeneration of the Ukrainian conflict, the ISIL expansion, political tensions between Russia and Turkey (a NATO member state), the migratory crisis and the issue of security in Afghanistan, have been permanently taken in consideration by NATO, which for two years has pursued to maintain political relations with Russia. Now, more than ever, NATO wants a new meeting to avoid any kind of military degeneration. This article will examine the nature of the relations between NATO and Russia in the last two years, and what will be the main issues discussed during the summit scheduled for late April 2016. (suite…)

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