#FactOfTheDay 24/01/2019 – Venezuela: Juan Guaidó declares himself President of the country with the support of the United States

The Speaker of the National Assembly and leading opposition figure Juan Guaidó introduced himself on Thursday, January 23, 2019 as the new President of Venezuela. Guaidó is acting as interim…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 24/01/2019 – Venezuela: Juan Guaidó declares himself President of the country with the support of the United States

#FactOfTheDay 05/06/2018 – The European Parliament celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Sakharov Prize

Today, the European Parliament looks back on 30 years of the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. This honor is awarded by the European Parliament to individuals and groups of…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 05/06/2018 – The European Parliament celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Sakharov Prize