(Eyes on Europe) No-deal Brexit: is the EU prepared well enough?

Depuis 2004, Eyes on Europe organise diverses activités sociales, rédactionnelles, événementiels et promotionnelles. Notre association se veut être l’une des meilleures dans le domaine de la réalisation de projets et…

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The Eastern Partnership in Moldova: the 10th anniversary

On the 13-14th of May 2019 in Brussels, the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) was celebrated with the representatives of the European (EU) Member States and the Eastern Partners. The EaP includes the European Union (EU), EU Member States and six countries that were members of the Soviet Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine . In this article, we will discuss the Eastern Partnership, its history, its founding principles and its evolution. Then, we will specifically analyse this partnership in Moldova in order to see its effects.

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Prostitution in the EU, or how the lack of legal harmonization goes against the EU’s values

A resolution was adopted by the European Parliament (EP) in February 2014 that defined prostitution and forced prostitution as a matter of gender equality and recommended that all Member States took action to fight it, especially with the endorsement of the “Nordic model” implemented in Sweden, Iceland, Norway and, since 2016, in France. However, across the European Union (EU), there are still several types of legislations in place and this heterogeneity makes it harder to combat sexual exploitation. Indeed, it is actually giving sex traffickers blurred borders to work with. A contradiction therefore arises between the values promoted by the EU and its legislative action to tackle the issues it is denouncing. By not implementing a legally compelling legislation, the EU seems to be going against its values.

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Les nouveaux visages de l’Europe

Deux mois après les élections européennes qui se sont déroulées du 23 au 26 mai 2019, les désignations des présidences des différentes institutions se sont accélérées. Dans cet article, nous allons aborder le renouveau de quatre postes clés de l’Union européenne, dit "top jobs" : la présidence de la Commission européenne, la présidence de la Banque Centrale Européenne (BCE), la présidence du Conseil européen et la représentation de la diplomatie européenne.

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Conference “Post-Crimea shift in EU-Russia Relations” – 11th July 2019

On thursday the 11th of July 2019, the Estonian foreign policy institute, international center for defence and security and Konrad Adenauer shifting were organizing a conference about the book Post Crimea shift in EU-Russia relations: from fostering interdependence to managing vulnerabilities. The authors of the book are Kristi Raik & Andras Rácz.

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First anniversary of the GDPR: an overview of the changes

Just over a year ago, on May 25, the General Data Protection Regulation (commonly known as the GDPR) was adopted by the European Union (EU) Member States. This regulation marked not only an important development for the field of data protection and its harmonisation across the Union, but also highlighted the debate between security and privacy in this new digital age. A year after its entry into force, academics, policy-makers and company owners reflect upon the changes undertook to comply with the regulation and its impacts. Although positive developments can be observed as going in the right direction, there is still much work left to do. This article reflects upon the first year of the GDPR and assesses the positive and more difficult developments it engaged as well as its current position not only in the EU, but equally across the globe.

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The role of new technologies in preventing and mitigating humanitarian disasters: To what extent can this be achievable and efficient in the long-term?

In November 2017, The European Commission launched the contest “Challenge to Solve” which invites citizens and scientists to rethink the way new technologies are used in the context of humanitarian aid[1]. With this contest that ends in January 2020, the EU sheds light onto the “Agenda for Humanity” brought forward by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon during the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit[2]. In the light of increasing humanitarian crisis across the globe, this agenda emphasises the necessity to innovate and explore the role of new technologies to overcome humanitarian problems. Therefore, this paper seeks to explore the meddling of the technological and humanitarian fields and provide insight into the extent these new technologies could tackle serious humanitarian disasters.

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Conference report: « Eurozone agreement: a mini revolution? What does the new Eurozone budget do, and what does it not do? What are its strengths and weaknesses? » – Bruegel – 8th of July 2019

The French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire was invited to give his point of view about European macroeconomics and governance and more precisely about the last month’s…

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July 2019: three new citizens’ initiatives open for signatures

July 2019, four citizens’ initiatives are on the news. Three of them have been registered and the last one has been refused. Since the citizens’ initiative system has been simplified, this tool of transnational direct democracy is more and more relevant. The protection of the environment is the main topic tackled by these citizens’ initiatives. In July 2020, whether the initiatives succeed in collecting at least one million signatures in seven different member states of the European Union (EU), the European Commission will translate them into proposition of regulation.

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Putin Proclaims the End of the Liberal Idea

Shortly before taking off to Japan for the G20 summit in late June, Russian President Vladimir Putin took the time for an extensive interview with the Financial Times. He was asked about current international hot topics such as the Middle East, North Korea, trade relations, and Venezuela as well as Russian domestic challenges. Putin seized the opportunity to comment on the state of Western democracies and proclaimed the end of the liberal idea. While music to the ears of European populists, his words resonate as cynicism, maybe even a threat, with those who believe in freedom and democracy.

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