The international attention in favor of people with Albinism in Africa

Among the numerous problems that today afflict the African continent, it is possible to note that Albinism is particularly relevant. It heavily affects the lives of many people, particularly in Sub-Saharan African countries.

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(Eyes on Europe) Houses of Cards: reflection on parliamentary involvement at European level 10 years after the Lisbon Treaty

Depuis 2004, Eyes on Europe organise diverses activités sociales, rédactionnelles, événementiels et promotionnelles. Notre association se veut être l’une des meilleures dans le domaine de la réalisation de projets et…

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Prostitution in the EU, or how the lack of legal harmonization goes against the EU’s values

A resolution was adopted by the European Parliament (EP) in February 2014 that defined prostitution and forced prostitution as a matter of gender equality and recommended that all Member States took action to fight it, especially with the endorsement of the “Nordic model” implemented in Sweden, Iceland, Norway and, since 2016, in France. However, across the European Union (EU), there are still several types of legislations in place and this heterogeneity makes it harder to combat sexual exploitation. Indeed, it is actually giving sex traffickers blurred borders to work with. A contradiction therefore arises between the values promoted by the EU and its legislative action to tackle the issues it is denouncing. By not implementing a legally compelling legislation, the EU seems to be going against its values.

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Putin Proclaims the End of the Liberal Idea

Shortly before taking off to Japan for the G20 summit in late June, Russian President Vladimir Putin took the time for an extensive interview with the Financial Times. He was asked about current international hot topics such as the Middle East, North Korea, trade relations, and Venezuela as well as Russian domestic challenges. Putin seized the opportunity to comment on the state of Western democracies and proclaimed the end of the liberal idea. While music to the ears of European populists, his words resonate as cynicism, maybe even a threat, with those who believe in freedom and democracy.

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Identity and Democracy Group: United on the Outside, Divided on the Inside?

The newly formed Identity and Democracy (ID) group will draw more attention in the European Parliament (EP). However, internal divisions rooted in different national contexts pose a serious challenge for the group’s coherence and effectiveness. Its member parties will have to live up to the expectations which they created in their home countries through populist rhetoric. The size of the group composed of 9 right-wing parties with 73 Members of the European Parliament (MEP) could be an obstacle to satisfying voters’ expectations while making use of its full potential.

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#EUelections2019 – Tour d’horizon du Parlement européen (1ère Partie)

Lors des dernières élections, les eurosceptiques étaient-ils le plus grand danger auquel l’Union devait faire face ?  En 2014, une enquête post-électorale interrogeant les citoyens sur le caractère bénéfique ou non…

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#FactOfTheDay 11/01/2019 – Withdrawal of Ségolène Royal’s candidacy for the European elections

On the French radio station France Inter, Ségolène Royal finally gave her answer about the possibility of leading an enlarged left-wing list (alliance of environmentalists, the left, and civil society)…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #FactOfTheDay 12/09/2018 – Tick-tock: Article 7 around the clock
Frederick Florin/AFP via Getty Images

#FactOfTheDay 12/09/2018 – Tick-tock: Article 7 around the clock

Following the debate on the “Situation in Hungary” on September 11, 2018, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is caught between a rock and a hard place. On one side, his…

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Censure et droits d’auteurs : les fausses bonnes idées de la Directive Copyright

Faut-il réguler l’Internet ? Comment ? Jusqu’à quel point ? Probablement sont-ce des questions auxquels vous avez déjà été confronté en naviguant sur internet ou au cours de conversations. L’Union européenne s’est attelée à former un « marché numérique », le débat prend donc d’autant plus de sens et d’importance. Lors de mes précédentes publications j’ai beaucoup évoqué le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD), son importance, son aspect protecteur ou encore ses limites. L’Union européenne œuvre pour établir un cadre juridique clair pour l’Internet, c’est indéniable, et c’est une mission honorable. Pourtant, si légiférer nous apparaît comme une nécessité, il s’agit de le faire correctement. La semaine dernière le Parlement européen a voté favorablement à l’entrée en vigueur d’une directive particulièrement liberticide sur Internet : la directive copyright Internet. Il s’agit de la Directive Copyright.

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#FactOfTheDay 06/07/2018 – The European Parliament threatens to block the EU-US « Privacy Shield »

On Thursday, 5 July, MEPs adopted a draft resolution concluding that the transatlantic data protection scheme (Privacy Shield) does not offer a sufficient protection for European citizens. The resolution was…

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