Relations between Kosovo and Serbia under the Kurti’s government

This article firstly will talk about the new government in Kosovo and its composition; secondly, it will explain what happened with Serbia in terms of negotiations in the past years…

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The “mini-Schengen” in the Balkans: Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia

Despite the lack of promises on European Union (EU)  enlargement to the Western Balkans, three of these countries have taken an important initiative: creating a space to ensure the free…

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#FactOfTheDay 17/01/2019 – Putin meets Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic

On Thursday 17 January, Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Serbia along with government ministers and the heads of Russia's space and nuclear organisations. In a context of civil protests…

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#FactOfTheDay: Serbia’s Prime Minister Vučić is the new President-elect

On April 2nd, Serbs were called to the polls to elect a new President. Besides national territory, voting also took place at 90 polling stations in Kosovo and at 53…

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EU – Kosovo/Serbia: where is the train headed for?

Troubling news continue to come from the Balkans. Two rounds of talks in the framework of the High Level Dialogue for the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina were hosted by High Representative Federica Mogherini respectively on 24 January and on February first. Tensions escalated before the meeting when Serbia attempted to send a passenger train emblazoned with the slogan “Kosovo is Serbia” in several languages to the Serb enclave of northern Kosovo and started to build up a wall in Mitrovica to divide Kosovo Serbs from Albanians. Thus, both parties were invited to participate at the EU-backed High Level Dialogue in order to minimise, if not erase, any risk to blow up what already have been achieved as far as the normalisation of the relations between Belgrade and Pristina concerns. (suite…)

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