#FactOfTheDay 31/10/2018 – Yemen war: US call for a ceasefire

Tuesday 30th of october, Washington, through its defence secratary Jim Mattis and the Secratary of State Pompeo, stated officially that the war must be ended forthwith. More specifically, the air…

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FactOfTheDay – 10/10/2018 : Nikki Haley resigns as UN ambassador

Yesterday, an announcement flabbergasted the United Nations members. Nikki Haley, United States’ official representative at the UN, decided to leave the vessel though she was very much appreciated by a…

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#FactOfTheDay 06/07/2018 – The European Parliament threatens to block the EU-US « Privacy Shield »

On Thursday, 5 July, MEPs adopted a draft resolution concluding that the transatlantic data protection scheme (Privacy Shield) does not offer a sufficient protection for European citizens. The resolution was…

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#FactOfTheDay 07/06/2018 – EU to hit US imports with retaliatory tariffs from July 2018

Yesterday, the Vice-President of the Commission Maros Sefcovic declared that the European Commission had defined a plan to set a duty on American exports coming to force next July: “The Commission…

Continuer la lecture#FactOfTheDay 07/06/2018 – EU to hit US imports with retaliatory tariffs from July 2018