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#FactOfTheDay 10/01/2019 – Democratic Republic of Congo : the opposition leader Felix Tshisekedi won presidential election

After the postponement of the proclamation of provisional results from Sunday to Thursday, Felix Tshisekedi has been declared early this morning to be the winner of the presidential election. The leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s main opposition party succeed Joseph Kabila whose second mandate expired two years ago. It is the first electoral transfer of power since independence of the DRC six decades ago. However, the decision dampened hopes that the transition would be peaceful.

Indeed, the result has come as a surprise to many observers who believed that the candidate of the ruling party, Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, would be the victor of the election. He was hand-picked by Kabila to succeed him. Additionally, Martin Fayulu, another opposition candidate, was the outspoken opposition frontrunner from the pre-election polls with 47%. According to the DRC’s Catholic church, vote tallies revealed that Fayulu won the elections. Mr. Fayulu rejected the official results and called them an “electoral swindle”. Supporters of Fayulu have already protested in Kisangani (north-east) against the results proclaimed. Antonio Guterres, the United Nations secretary general urged all parties to “refrain from violence and (…) to channel any electoral disputes through the established institutional mechanisms”. It is initially planned that the Constitutional Court will confirm the official results on January 15th. However, with the postponement of the proclamation of provisional results, it can still be delayed.

Laura van Lerberghe

For further information :

Léon De Tombeur

Diplômé en Histoire à la Sorbonne et en Relations Internationales à Lyon III, je me suis notamment intéressé à la politique internationale de l’Union européenne. Animé par un désir de contribuer à l’Europe afin de la rendre plus sociale et respectueuse de l’environnement, je me suis rendu à Bruxelles afin de travailler de concert avec les institutions européennes. Ma spécialisation tend davantage vers le domaine de la défense et de la sécurité, j’ai réalisé mon mémoire de fin d’études sur le futur de la défense anti-missile du continent européen. C’est pourquoi j’ai choisi le portefeuille de la coopération judiciaire et policière.

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