(Eyes on Europe) Can we preserve the earth and capitalism ?

“Economic growth” is one of the most touted objectives of governments and companies around the world and seems to be a prerequisite of capitalism. Yet, we know that resources on our planet are limited, and the current economic system seems to lead humanity into a dead-end. Is capitalism in itself a contradiction to a sustainable economic system?

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Compte rendu de la consultation citoyenne du 4/12/2018 – Thème : Le climat, l’Europe et vous

La Plateforme Citoyenne Européenne (« European Citizen Platform » ou ECP) a organisé le mardi 4 décembre, avec le soutien du Conseil consultatif des Affaires européennes de la Commune d’Ixelles,…

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#FactOfTheDay 03/12/2018 – COP 24 opening in Katowice

The 24th Conference of Parties for climat change, started today in Katowice (Poland). It follows acts of demonstrations in Brussels where around 75.000 people protested in the streets (02/12). A…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article 12th ASEM: regional managing of global problems

12th ASEM: regional managing of global problems

The 12th ASEM Foreign Minister’s Meeting (ASEM FMM12) was held in Luxembourg, on 5-6 November 2015. It was attended by Foreign Ministers of 51 Asian and European countries, plus the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, and her homologue the ASEAN Secretary-General, Lê Lương Minh. Under the theme “Working Together for a Sustainable and Secure Future”, stakeholders discussed varied topics as climate change and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, some international and regional issues, the constructive and strategic importance of the concept of connectivity and the future of ASEM. (suite…)

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