Boris Johnson et le Brexit: une atmosphère de plus en plus tendue

En ce qui concerne le Brexit, aucune majorité à Westminster n’a réussi à approuver le texte de l'accord: puisque, à Bruxelles, les partenaires européens ont refusé d’ouvrir à nouveau les…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #LaRéplique – The European Alliance of People and Nations: a tough construction.
Photo : RN fédération des Hautes Alpes. Affiche électorale.

#LaRéplique – The European Alliance of People and Nations: a tough construction.

Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian government and of the Lega party, called a second time to build an alliance between the conservatives and far right parties in the European…

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#EUElections2019 – European Union and the fight against terrorism

The European Union and terrorism1 Since the end of the 90s, the European continent has been facing a new threat to its prosperity : terrorism. European continent is heavily scarred by…

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#EUelections – New generation agreements : what challenges ?

“I think that’s a particularly bad agreement and let me say why… it’s not about trade : trade barriers  and  tariffs  between  Europe  and  America  are  already  come  down.  It’s …

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