Obscure Episodes of Right-Wing Politics

Almost every day, new stories emerge about some populist right-wing politician doing something outrageous. Whether it is another racist Trump-tweet, some right-wing party seeking Russian funding, or hate-speech against immigrants. What once used to terminate a political career has become distinguished etiquette for the populist far-right. Media, civil society, and politicians seem helpless in finding an adequate response. None of these scandals seem to threaten the political success of the far-right. How can this development be explained?

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Identity and Democracy Group: United on the Outside, Divided on the Inside?

The newly formed Identity and Democracy (ID) group will draw more attention in the European Parliament (EP). However, internal divisions rooted in different national contexts pose a serious challenge for the group’s coherence and effectiveness. Its member parties will have to live up to the expectations which they created in their home countries through populist rhetoric. The size of the group composed of 9 right-wing parties with 73 Members of the European Parliament (MEP) could be an obstacle to satisfying voters’ expectations while making use of its full potential.

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Is populism protectionism’s champion ?

The point of this paper is not to determine if the critics toward neo-liberal theories are justified or to measure the optimum degree of protectionism needed in an economy. However, using the example of Matteo Salvini’s discourses toward food safety in Europe, we will demonstrate how national-populism uses protectionism arguments, despite its political action not going in that direction.

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Migration impact on labour market: the UK as a study case

In this article, we take into account the specific area of labour market: doing so, we will provide arguments addressing some of the most widespread hearsays: are immigrants 'taking the jobs' of locals? Do they pressure down wages? We can take the United Kingdom (UK) as a study case. Since its population voted to step back from European Union (EU), studies have been flourishing in order to provide arguments on whether or not tackling migration was a relevant and reasonable argument in favor of Brexit.

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Western Balkans’ accession by 2025: merely a fantasy?

With the debates over the possibility of future EU membership of the Western Balkans countries, some voices started to rise in the European Commission. This issue does not only bring back questions about the European Union’s values and identity, but it also allows to examine the usage of European ‘Soft Power’ over its own members and potential accession candidates. This case underlines the contradiction between the EU’s objective of maintaining stability in the Balkans’ region and the European willingness to fight against ‘populism’ and nationalism inside its own borders.

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #LaRéplique – The European Alliance of People and Nations: a tough construction.
Photo : RN fédération des Hautes Alpes. Affiche électorale.

#LaRéplique – The European Alliance of People and Nations: a tough construction.

Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian government and of the Lega party, called a second time to build an alliance between the conservatives and far right parties in the European…

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#LaRéplique. Aachen Treaty: “kiss of Judas” by Emmanuel Macron?

Heavy accusations were made against Emmanuel Macron in the days leading up to the signing of the Aachen Treaty with Germany. Elysee's official website had to publicise a press release to deny some fake news that had been created around the Aachen Treaty (Traité d’Aix-la-Chappelle). However, are these accusations founded? What does the agreement really envisage?

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#LaRéplique. Changement de cap : les populistes veulent rester dans l’UE ?

A moins de quatre mois des élections européennes de mai 2019, les leaders des partis politiques d’Europe ont lancé leurs campagnes électorales. Tel est le cas en France de Marine Le Pen, leader du parti politique Rassemblement National, et de son collègue et sympathisant italien Matteo Salvini, candidat du parti eurosceptique la Ligue

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #FactOfTheDay: Who in Europe is rooting for Macron?
Robert Pratta/ Reuters

#FactOfTheDay: Who in Europe is rooting for Macron?

Emmanuel Macron, a 39 years old former banker from Rothschild and France's former Minister of the Economy, is likely to become the new President of the French Republic. His victory…

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#TheReply: Europe breathes a sigh of relief after passing an important test in the Netherlands’ elections

After a particular campaign often distinguished by anti-Islam, anti-Turkey, and anti-immigration rhetoric, the Dutch vote on the general elections held on Wednesday 15 March proved populists wrong giving another mandate to the Prime Minister Mark Rutte. His People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) managed to see off the anti-immigration Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders. Albeit the PVV gained votes, it wasn’t enough to make the impact Wilders had fought for. A coalition between at least four pro-European parties is expected to form the new Dutch government. (suite…)

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