L’Intelligence Artificielle

Elle fait de plus en plus parler d’elle et a souvent une connotation négative, due à son traitement dans les œuvres cinématographiques de science-fiction : il s’agit de l’intelligence artificielle (IA), qui, selon les prédictions les plus apocalyptiques, amènerait les machines à se rebeller contre l’espèce humaine et à l’asservir. Si ces prédictions relèvent de la dystopie, on peut néanmoins affirmer que l’IA va à terme bouleverser nos vies et nos sociétés, car tous les secteurs semblent concernés. Cet article consacré à l’IA prétendra dans un premier temps à apporter des éléments de définitions, suivi dans une exposition d’un panel de champs d’application de l’IA et les enjeux qui en sont liés, suivi de l’action que compte prendre l’Union européenne.

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Obscure Episodes of Right-Wing Politics

Almost every day, new stories emerge about some populist right-wing politician doing something outrageous. Whether it is another racist Trump-tweet, some right-wing party seeking Russian funding, or hate-speech against immigrants. What once used to terminate a political career has become distinguished etiquette for the populist far-right. Media, civil society, and politicians seem helpless in finding an adequate response. None of these scandals seem to threaten the political success of the far-right. How can this development be explained?

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Conflicts, negotiations, agreements, failures: will Trump’s plan overcome this cycle?

The deal of the century highlights once again the crucial role covered by the US in the definition of the Middle East. The rumors about the plan that the Trump administration is preparing are very different and according the last statements, it will be published, following the Ramadan (a month-long fasting in Islamic tradition).

Continuer la lectureConflicts, negotiations, agreements, failures: will Trump’s plan overcome this cycle?

#FactOfTheDay 21/12/2018- United States: Resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis

Following President Trump's announcement of the withdrawal of US troops from Syrian soil, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced his resignation on Thursday, December 20. Jim Mattis was in favour of…

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#FactOfTheDay 20/12/2018 – Donald Trump plans to withdraw US troops from Syria

On Wednesday, Donald Trump surprised his foreign allies and fellow Republicans by announcing that the US would withdraw its troops from Syria after claiming that the “Islamic State has been…

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#FactOfTheDay 07/11/2018 – U.S. Election : Democrats won the House

The Americans have chosen. The Democrats regain the majority in the House after 8 years and the Republicans keep the Senate. The most awaited result coming from the midterm elections…

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#FactOfTheDay – 01/10/2018 – USA and Canada agree on a new deal replacing NAFTA

This Sunday, Canada and the USA have reached a new agreement replacing NAFTA. After a new accord had been signed between USA and Mexico this August, the new agreement reached…

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#FactOfTheDay 18/09/2018 – Trump administration will impose tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods

The Trump administration announced new tariffs on a series of goods “Made in china”. The new tariffs will start at the end of September, and the amount of Chinese products…

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#FactOfTheDay 25/07/2018 – Juncker in Washington to avert EU/US trade war

Today Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, will meet Donald Trump, President of the United States, in Washington. Jean-Claude Juncker will be received at the White House at 13.30…

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